Monday, May 14, 2007

surely this is wrong

Let me set the scene, you are in your third and final year of a University degree course, you at possibly the worst Uni in the country world and have been required to work 14 hours a day on a pointless final year project, then once that is complete have a few days to relax before exam revision takes hold then with no time to spare you have to present the piece of crap that you call a project to the supervisor you have been lying to since September last year.

But that’s all done now. All that I have left is the presentation. I have done yet the feeling of “I should be doing work now” and “there must be some work I need to be doing”, but no there isn’t

To put it into context I know I should be happy, be full of joy but I am not for some reason I miss the work it feels wrong to be writing this now…

I am off to seek something to take my mind off this lack of work, probably by finding something I have been putting off.

So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

it's all gone, it's all gone

What’s all gone you may ask?

And I will reply my final year project. Yes, as of the 1st May 2007 I am once again a free student. No longer am I to be sat in front of a laptop 14 hours a day while the world outside passes by.

No longer will I have to be miserable while everyone else is happy!

So what am I doing now then you ask. To which I will reply I am revising for my exams:

  • Malicious Software and Security Programming

  • XML and Web Services

Never before have I looked forward to revision but now I am actually enjoying it. Although I wish to express my explicit annoyance at lecturers that make powerpoint presentations that require them to be in the room before the material can be deciphered. If a student is caught copying material from the web without referencing it is classed as plagiarism, but when it comes to lecturers who have realised that they have a lecture tomorrow and haven’t produced any materials this is fine and therefore no attempt is made to understand what they are ‘writing’ therefore revision is made ten times harder as none of the notes make the slightest ounce of sense and the notes that I made at 9:00am in the morning are rubbish.

Although occasionally I do miss my project as I feel lost in the freedom that I have gained, for example the other morning I woke up thinking that I should really start work on my project only to realise that I don’t have to. Normally this would make me feel happy, but I am finding it difficult to find things to occupy myself, how wrong is that!?

To help me in these times of blissful distress I have started to Wii more…

Some would say maybe too much. I am now sporting a virtual tennis shoulder, but pride myself in becoming a pro within two days of playing it. If I had one thing to complain about though, it would be Wii boxing…

The other day I fought a pro and won. Now in the real world (and in Rocky) beating someone that is better than you would result in you gaining some form of new title, but not in this. For my trouble I was awarded a minus score taking me further away from being a pro myself. Not wanting to be seen as a quitter I gave up and watched Diagnosis Murder which I swear is getting better!!!

Anyway ‘tis time for me to sign off for the night as I need one final Wii before I go to bed!!