Monday, May 14, 2007

surely this is wrong

Let me set the scene, you are in your third and final year of a University degree course, you at possibly the worst Uni in the country world and have been required to work 14 hours a day on a pointless final year project, then once that is complete have a few days to relax before exam revision takes hold then with no time to spare you have to present the piece of crap that you call a project to the supervisor you have been lying to since September last year.

But that’s all done now. All that I have left is the presentation. I have done yet the feeling of “I should be doing work now” and “there must be some work I need to be doing”, but no there isn’t

To put it into context I know I should be happy, be full of joy but I am not for some reason I miss the work it feels wrong to be writing this now…

I am off to seek something to take my mind off this lack of work, probably by finding something I have been putting off.

So long and thanks for all the fish!!!


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